Women’s Network for East Japan Disaster (Rise Together) first published Integrating Gender and Diversity Perspectives into Disaster Response: The Support We Wanted! A Collection of Good Practice in Disaster Response based on the East japan Disaster in Japanese in June 2012. Now the English version is available. The booklet was used as a training material in more than 40 gender and disaster training sessions during last one year in Japan.

This booklet collects examples of disaster response activities undertaken by various organizations in, and after, the East Japan Disaster. It aims to provide advice for people without expertise to be able to provide effective assistance to each affected person with better consideration of diverse needs, and for disaster response workers and volunteers to be able to undertake their activities comfortably. We also aim that these examples will be used as an information package for a revision of local disaster prevention plans and/or for daily disaster prevention activities.

Each good practice example indicates which situations and who this should refer to according to a “phase” of disaster cycle and a “target audience” such as person working for government/administration, community-based organizations, voluntary organizations, and individual volunteer, as a guide for the application.

The English version provides with additional information on unique Japanese systems such as kasetsu jutaku (temporary housing community) and chonaika (residents association).


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